Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another Fun Weekend!

We had another weekend that was jam packed with fun. Tyler and I headed up to Kaysville to spend some time with my family and work. We always love seeing family and this weekend was no exception!

This is Tyler with Lyla and Connor while we were visiting at Blake and Andrea's house. They were so cute while this airplane toy was going off. They were laughing so hard, it was very cute. Connor loves his uncle Tyler and can't get enough of him when we are around.

On Saturday we got to spend the day with my sister and her kids at the swimming center. We took Luke and Zach down the big slides a number of times each time they wanted to go faster. Little Zachary has no fear and the need for speed. We also got to spend time with Baily who we don't get to see as often and she is so cute! She is turning into quite the little lady.
Let me not forget to mention Batman. It was so good, but I did think after watching it that it was so very close to Satan's plan. He doesn't much care about anything he just wants people to self destruct. I guess it was a good introspective because I don't want him to win. Loved the movie though and would recommend it for most.

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