Eight Random Facts About Me:
1. I have never broken a bone, had a surgery, had stitches. I fall a lot but seem to be medically sound.
2. I was once given an award for being funny. It's something I pride myself in...immensly.
3. I am a TV junkie. I love getting lost in the drama of any ridiculous show and find myself lost hours later. It is a pathetic habit that I need to break.
4. I look just like my mom did when she was my age and we were both married when we were nineteen.
5. I believe that hell will be one continuous parking garage with no spots and you are following an idiot who forgot to turn off his blinker.
6. I am a control freak, which Andrea assured me was ok so I am taking her advice and just rolling with it.
7. If Tyler would allow, I would love to live outside of Utah, particularly somewhere in Washington.
8. My dream has always been to be a lead in a musical and have a magical powerhouse voice.
That was fun, now I am done being it. I tag Clay and Leslee and Marion.
We have the same dream- LEAD IN A MUSICAL. We might have to each direct a show and cast the other in it to make that come true :o). At least for me anyway.
You are so funny! And so blessed to have never been really hurt considering your many falls.
okay so I saw that I was tagged and I'm not gonna lie but I don't exactly know how to do that....
Call me dumb but this is all new to me.
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