Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day Trippin'

Me and my Bestie, Franki
Two of the cutest friends ever
The Beautiful Flowers at the Mirage
WooHoo! She's 21, but gambling sucks.

Yesterday I went to Las Vegas to spend the day with my two best girlfriends ever, Franki and Debra. I have known these girls since middle school and they have never been anything but good to me. I was so excited to spend the day with them. We did normal girl things like layout, go to lunch, shop, and laugh so hard we all had side aches by the end of the night. I am so grateful for these friends and the fun time I got to spend with them. The kicker of the night was Deb, who just recently turned 21, trying to figure out the slot machine, it was priceless. We had so much fun, thanks girls!!!


Andra said...

How awesome to play with the friends! I am so there next week. RyLeigh starts school, but Monday or Friday she's out early. Let me know what works for you.
If you are up here, come to Wayne and Kristie's for the bbq. Your litle ones would have a blast! There will be tons of little people there.
love you too

Amylee said...

I'm quite jealous to tell you the truth. Partially because of the trip, and partially because of your cute shirt.

Anonymous said...

Hey how are ya?!