So last week was my birthday and seriously Tyler out did himself. I always expect surprises from my husband because he loves to see me in suspense, but from Wednesday to Friday there was a constant string of them.
Wednesday was my actual birthday and Tyler started the morning by letting me know there was a lot of excitement to come. He told me that we were going to have friends over at nine that night for cake and that was when I could open presents. I went to work and some really nice people made cakes for me and brought them in. We went to dinner later and Tyler was doing all of these things that I should have seen as stalling, but since I am so dense to the world, I was just annoyed. Then all of my friends walked into Chili's with balloons, smiles and the whole works. It was so fun and I got the most wonderful presents including, The Complete Works of Jane Austin, a massage, a beautiful picture of the temple and many more. Needless to say, it was a very impressive display of love from my husband...little did I know, it wasn't over.
Friday afternoon Tyler came home with some unexpected guests. Holly, Mandi, My Mom, My sister Joy, and Andrea drove to Cedar City to celebrate my birthday! I couldn't believe all the planning that had gone into surprising me. We headed to St. George and had a delicious dinner and then saw "Big River" at Tuachan.
So basically Tyler spent the weekend with seven hormonal women talking, going to dinner, seeing a musical, shopping, and having just good old girl time. Like I said...He shouldn't have set the bar so high because it was the best birthday ever! Love you all, thanks for making the effort to make my day special.
HI adorable little cousin. I'm so glad you have a blog. Happy be-lated Birthday. My moom told me you were coming to St. George for your b-day and I was so sad I didn't get to join in the festivities. I miss the family stuff so much! It looks likes you're just doing great! I love ya!
Wow you have one awesome husband! You two are darling, and happy late birthday! Glad it was a good day for you :)
So FUN!! It was so worth it to come see you and play. I need to do it more often. Let's plan the next girl weekend K? Ty included of course...
How cute is that? Holly raised him right ;0)
Your husband is a sweetheart. It always feels wonderful to be appreciated. What more fun than spending a weekend with your hubby, sis' and mom! Happy Birthday!!!
oh wow!!! tell ty good job and Happy Late B-Day
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