Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Training is Tough

Training for the triathlon has been kicked into high gear this last week. I swam a quarter mile, couldn't put my arms over my head the rest of the evening. This made putting clothes on over my swimming suit and showering very inconvenient. Rode five miles on the bike, ran one mile, and did a weight lifting class. This morning I woke up finding it very difficult to walk.
I hope this gets better soon. I can't keep losing my ability to walk and put my arms over my head.


Nate, Cami and Crew said...

That is AWESOME. I envy you and your diligence. By the way I like your new background so much I had to steal one for myself. Love you cute cousin.

Joy Boaz said...

Getting dressed is super important in your daily routine. Hope your sore muscles turn into buff ones.You never cease to amaze and inspire me. Miss you terribly!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow dude look at you. That is way cool. I hope it gets easier :)

Kim said...

I am so glad you are doing the triathlon with me! You will be amazing! I love you. It was fun to see you and Ty last Thursday.

The Beckstrom's said...

Your silhouette looks amazing!! How do you stay so fit? What? That's not you, oh. Well good luck anyway LOL!!!

Amylee said...

YOU'RE DOING A TRIATHALON???? Seriously, we have not been keeping in touch very well. I admire you. That is something I will never do- I couldn't handle the swimming part... I would just sink. Keep it up sweetie!

Phil and Kelly said...

Good luck with the training you are awesome.

spike said...

It gets better I promise, especially when you cross that finish line. Not easy but oh so worth it. I do it for the free t-shirt! Ha Ha Love and miss you!

Andrea Wilson said...

Just take it slow and easy until you get your body use to the different training techniques. I have a great training guide if you want it. I know what ya mean though. Training for me kicked in a month ago and I'm just barely feeling the groove again. It's so worth it. You'll LOVE tri's and maybe we can do one together next time you're up for it. Love ya!

Niels and Kayla said...

i am impressed! i could never. or should i say i will never haha...good luck!