Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I want to go to there...

We booked a cruise to Mexico for our one year anniversary! I am so excited that we get to go be in warm, beautiful Mexico with each other and some wonderful friends! I am just counting down now!


The Beckstrom's said...

Looks gorgeous! You'll have a blast.

btw, Love 30 Rock!

oodlesofoversons said...

That will be SO nice.

Kim said...

I love the title of your blog Tina!I'm glad you guys get to fun! I'm so excited to come visit you!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so jealous!

Amylee said...

I'm so incredibly jealous. I keep trying to talk Dallas into it. He isn't a vacation person (what's up with that????).

Lane, Amanda, and Mason said...

EXCITING!! How much longer??

Joy Boaz said...

I am so very jealous!! It looks like heaven.

Your blog looks dang cute... love it!

I can't wait to come play, shop, chill and laugh with you!!!

Niels and Kayla said...

we just got back from that cruise! We liked it alot, have fun!

McAllister's said...

Man I wish we could play as much as the two of you! I swear your off on a new adventure every weekend. And I also wish my husband would take me somewhere like that, somewhere other than the dunes! No I kid, he does ok.

Matt and Kiera Dorius said...

Laura, how in the heck are you! Your vacation sounds like fun. I just got back from Costa Rica and enjoyed some good old sunshine myself. Have fun!