Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Made Meets our Intergalactic Wonder and Wins

Last night Tyler and I were tearing the house apart looking for his money clip. It is such a pain to lose your wallet and we were trying to avoid all the hassle of cancelling cards and getting a new license. So we decided to jump in the car at about ten to go look at his work and the local grocery store. No luck at the work place so we jumped in the car really quickly to run to the store. As we were heading down main street we approached a light. We then saw a black Lincoln truck begin to make a quick lane change, but she didn't stop and turned into the intersection. We were already into the intersection when this happened, so obviously we crashed right into the car. Our car immediately stopped. Shocked that we both were ok (despite not wearing our seat so so bad of us) we jumped out. The Saturn was done. I was freaked out. The lady in the truck was not getting out. This frightened me a bit, but soon she jumped out completely unaware of what had happened.

This is where the story gets me angry....

I knew from the minute she stepped out that she was under the influence of something. She was slurring her words and didn't even realize that our car was crumbled in the middle of the road. The officers arrived, took our statement, and then paid very little attention to us. They said it was obvious what happened and we should just head home. I felt like we didn't get the kind of attention we needed.

This morning we had a lot to take care of. We first headed to the police department. Here they had no report filed. NOTHING WAS DONE! They confirmed that the women was arrested for a DUI. At this point I was just angry. Still very little could be done so I headed to work with a very sore back and pounding headache. I decided to look up her booking to the Iron County Sheriffs office. This was not a good idea. This is where I saw that she was also charged with NO PROOF OF INSURANCE.

This raises my next question: If she can't pay for this I have to make a claim on my insurance that I am "required" to have. However, I make this claim and my insurance company is going to punish me by raising my premium. How is it that just because she doesn't have it, she won't have to pay? Yet, we pay for our insurance every month and we could be penalized?

I have to keep reminding myself how very lucky I am that Tyler and I walked away with only a few bumps and bruises and a lot of soreness. We were being watched over and are so grateful that Heavenly Father was aware of us!

Now I will wish a farewell to our wonderful, reliable Saturn. She will be missed.


Niels and Kayla said...

oh my gosh that is horrible. im so sorry! im glad you guys are ok!

Amylee said...

Here's some good news: You will not be penalized at all for the other driver not having insurance. (See, in all those years at the insurance office I actually learned something.) Yes, you will have to go through your insurance and pay your deductible, but they won't raise your rates. (At least if they are a reputable company they shouldn't). Your insurance company will then go after the lady (probably sue her). So, you'll get your justice. Don't worry about raised rates.


Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Glad to hear that you are okay. That looks like a pretty nasty crash. Sorry your Saturn is a mess.

oodlesofoversons said...

That stuff is SO unfair. I'm glad you're safe...and did Tyler find the wallet?

Andra said...

I love that Amylee knows her stuff. I love that you and Tyler are not deceased. I do not love that you were not wearing your seatbelt. I love that Heavenly Father didn't take you home. I would not love Him for a minute had he done that.
The car looks sweet. Wicked, sweet crash.
Happened to Ry our first year of marriage too. Maybe it's a rite of passage. Maybe that lady needs her ass kicked! Maybe I just said Heavenly Father and ass in the same comment box.

Kev and Niki said...

Man that stinks!!! And it is so not fair!!! That gets me fired up too... crazy lady... honestly if she can drive a lincoln she can get insurance!! I am sorry for you guys but i am so happy you are okay!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude that is awful! I am glad you are ok though and I hope everything works out!

Phil and Kelly said...

oh wow... It is crazy that it is always the stupid people that don't have insurance that can't drive either. I'm sorry if you need anything let us know. I am really glad you guys are alright.

Kim said...

I'm glad you guys are okay!!!

holly said...

I am glad you are both alright. I know the INJUSTICE! I think that all the time about insurance, it sucks to pay because it is so expensive but you can't go with out it!

Lane, Amanda, and Mason said...

OMG thats a horrible accident you are so lucky!! That makes me SOOO mad at that lady too.....NO insurance I've had that too and my insurance went after her and made her pay so you'll have to let me know what happens! And driving under in influence BUGS ME SOOO BAD!!! Poor saturn but I'm glad you guys are ok!

kalie said...

glad you guys are both okay. did the wallet thing work out?

Chris said...

Wow...I am surprised it held up that good. Did your XM stay attached with the home rigged system?

Glad you two are okay and hopefully the insurance will take all things into account and not raise your rates.

No seatbelts? You're as bad as my kids!

Andrea Wilson said...

Laura and Ty when Blake told me I just couldn't believe that you were all right! I am so thankful for you both and am thankful that you were watched over. We all send our love and best wishes. So sorry about the car :( Thanks for the comment about the kids pics. It was fun to go the studio with ALL of them this time. Love you tons!

Noah said...

Bummer dudes. Waited until today to post because we thought you might be pulling an elaborate April Fool's Joke.

Glad you're okay! Holiness to the LORD.

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you two are all in one piece still! I am sorry your car is totaled but hopefully you'll be able to get another car you like!

the laytons. said...

Laura that's crazy! I hope everything works out for you, what a headache to have to deal with. I'm SO glad you guys are okay!

Marion said...

oh my goodness i am sorry about the wreck.. those are no fun. I'm glad things have worked out for you guys!