Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Loving as of Late

Making some pretty cool future plans with
this guy

Reading at work...for pleasure, not study

Regina Spektor

Fall television series making a comeback


The crisp smell in the morning letting me know,
fall is just around the corner

Harvest Season, nothing tastes better than
fresh produce.


kalie said...

AGREED: Regina Spektor is awesome. I'm assuming you're also an Imogen Heap fan?

Nate and Lyndsi Clements said...


oodlesofoversons said...

Love this post. And I love Regina too. But I'm not making any future plans with Tyler. :)

Bryan and Christy Clark said...

ok so come visit us and we can go pick apples and raspberries and the autumn weather here is AMAZING and....we get the tv shows here first, so I will know what happens before you do in Utah! Oh and you can plan the trip with Tyler and read a lot on the airplane. Wow, see coming and visiting us is everything you want.

Amylee said...

I love all of these things! Especially the napping! Ha! You forgot to put: Only 3 weeks until my favorite cousin comes to play.

Melissa Sebourn said...

Awesome! Peaches, peaches, peaches my favorite thing about fall this year.