Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We have been making the holiday season last this year! First a weekend in Richfield for a the Hendrickson family Christmas Party, visiting family, exchanging gifts, and Eden's birthday party. Then it was off to Kaysville for one party after the other. It was so fun to see everyone and realize how very blessed we are! Here are a few of the pictures I managed to snap.

Eden turns TWO

Titan and Eden

Christmas Morning...I got a Nutrageous and Tyler got a Caramello
Shows what my dad thinks of me. :)

Richie so excited Christmas Morning

Mom, Dad and Aunt Joanne

Rachel, Andra, Tae and Me at dinner before Taeler leaves for Israel!

Fun Friends!!!


Amylee said...

Ah, now I see the reason for the candybars- very accurate! And hilarious.
Those are cute friends.
I'm so glad I got to squeeze you.

Joy Boaz said...

It was the best Christmas present to me that I got to see you both. I love you! And I think it is good to be a little nutty now and then. As long as Ty keeps being Mr. Mello.

Miss you. Love you!!