Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer's Coming to a Close

The last week and a half were absolutely crazy in our lives! Two Friday's ago we headed back down to Vegas and for our good friends Trevor and Alissa's wedding. It was a fun day, but so freaking hot. We had so much fun hanging out all day and eating the delicious food compliments of Alissa's uncle. The next day I hopped on a plane and flew to Salt Lake City to help out my brother by watching his girls while he and his wife went on a cruise for their anniversary. It was such a fun week to spend time with my family. It's always good for me to be able to just talk with my sister and learn from her example. Tyler came up mid week to help me and work. I was so happy when he finally came. The girls were cute, but a lot of work! I was pretty tired by the end of the week. Then on Sunday we headed down to Richfield for a combined birthday party for me, Tanner and Mandi, and also for Tanner's ordination to a priest. It was quite the way to end the summer! We were all over the state spending time with those that we love the most, OUR FAMILIES!


Amylee said...

I'm sad I missed you! I'm glad that you survived having 3 kids for a week- I don't know if I would. You'll have to give me a call sometime soon. I love you cuz.

Joy Boaz said...

It was so much fun to habg with you. Nobody gets me quite like you. Dang we're funny! Miss you sis and hope your life got back to normal.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! Miss ya girlie.

spike said...

Thanks for everything Laura. The girls had a blast with you and Rawlee & I are so greatful! You earned World's Best Aunt! We love you Guys!