Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Four Things About Me

I saw this tag on Jordyn's page and thought it was fun and I have all the time in the world (not really) so I will do this instead of more productive things.

4 Jobs I've held: Gordon's CopyPrint..."makin' the copies", Burt Brothers Tires Front Desk, Teacher's Assistant, and Student Director of the Leavitt Center

4 Movie I Can Watch Over & Over: Notting Hill, Crash, The Office DVD's, and Blades of Glory for my husband.

4 Places I Have Lived: Seattle, Fruit Heights, Kaysville, and Cedar Town

4 TV Show I Enjoy: The Office, The Hills, Grey's Anatomy, and Arrested Development

4 places I have been on Vacation: Island Park, New York, Mexico, and soon Chicago!

4 Favorite Foods: Chips & Salsa, Cheeseburgers, Oreo Shakes, and Fiber One Bars

4 Websites I visit: G-Mail, SUU, Blogger, and CNN

4 Places I want to Visit
: Eastern Europe, Australia, Boston, and China

4 People to tag
: My Sisters...Joy, Kim, Daisy, and Annie!

This post contains some embarrasing material, please don't judge on the things I do for a guilty pleasure.


Amylee said...

YOU ARE GOING TO CHICAGO?! I'm so jealous. I would love to go there. (I would also love to go there and have Oprah give me free stuff. I mean, who wouldn't?)

Melissa Sebourn said...

You're cute. I'm not judging, I'm just wondering . . . . fiber one bars . . . are they really that delicious?

Joy Boaz said...

I love your guilty pleasures! Hills, shakes, Fiber one bars?? I'll have to try them. I guess I better do my 4 things on my blog. thanks for the tag.

Christopher Family said...

hey i saw your blog. how are you doing. I had herd you got married congrats!!
Raechel (hatch) Christopher

Andrea Wilson said...

Thanks for the tag. It's always fun to hear things about people that you don't know. Sweet nothings right . . just kidding. Love ya Laurs!