Last night Tyler and I headed to St. George for out date night. We had a wonderful night of the Temple and all you can eat shrimp (Thanks Blake and Annie, it was delicious). However the best part of the night came when I went to the bathroom to wash my hands after dinner...I made a new friend.
This little girl was probably six years old, with an Ariel shirt on and the least "STRANGER DANGER" kid I had ever met. We walked into the bathroom at the same time and she looked at me and the conversation is as follows:
New Friend: Are you just getting here?
Laura: No, I am leaving, what about you?
NF: I am leaving too.
L: Oh really what did you have for dinner?
NF: Cheese Fries
L: Wow,
NF: Cheese fries are the best food out there! I'll betcha.
L: You don't even have to because I love cheese fries too. Do you not like seafood?
NF: Ewwwww, not at all, not even sushi, (many giggles followed)
L: I just ate so much shrimp my tummy is going to explode! You are like Ariel though, you don't like to eat them.
NF: No, and I wouldn't eat the Lobster either because of Sebastian.
L: I like the part where he runs across the table to get away from being eaten.
NF: I have seen the new Little Mermaid called Ariels Beginning, it has her mom and her sisters, but her mom dies. It's really sad.
L: I haven't seen it, I will have to!
Then we said good night and parted our ways. Tyler looked at me when I walked by with her like what are you doing? Making little kids scared? I seriously wanted a picture of this girl because it was one of those priceless moments, but I figured her mom would be really freaked out if I opened with the line, "Hey can I get a picture with your daughter? We just met in the bathroom."
ha ha ha ha.
You are funny funny! Kids these days are much more mature and it frightens me a little. It is refreshing to see such confidence in a little girl. maybe your paths will cross again... :)
haha that is awesome! I'm glad you had such a priceless experience. I had one just like it but mine was with a lady at Carls Jr. right in front of everyone. She was asking me if I got enough sleep the night before and how things had been going. haha it was awesome! Yay for new friends
you are such a sweet girl. Its no wonder everyone wants to be your friend...
like me...
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